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Break in Routine

Posted by Linda Theres-Jones on

I cannot deny it.  I am struggling today.  I took 2 vacation days on Monday and today.  When I am home for longer periods of time, I have a way of thinking I am hungry even though I know I am not because my stomach feels fool  It is all in my mind.  I have spent about 4 hours each day crafting.  I am hoping to get into a 2 day craft show in November.  I am trying to finish numerous projects that I had started last year.  Unfortunately, I worked every day this summer since my counterpart at work went out with a medical condition.  Sunday I was so into my crafting, I missed the first 30 minutes of the Bears game. 

Anyway, I am off topic.  When my routine is broken, I really seemed to struggle to stay on track related to eating.  Also, my mom wanted to go out to lunch on Monday since I was off and not over the weekend.  This is a problem for me because I save my activity points from the week and usually use them on the weekend.  Since mom wanted to go eat on a Monday, my routine for the entire week is also off.  I do have to day, I did pretty well on Monday though.  I looked up points for Cracker Barrel and had it input into my WW food tracker on Sunday.  I stuck to the plan and that is what I ordered in the restaurant.  I actually had some grilled chicken strips left over and 1 biscuit.  I used this for dinner.  This really helped keep my points down for the day.  I then at grapes for my evening snack. 

Hopefully, I do well this evening.  I do not want to knock myself off of the track.  I did wake up early, therefore, I will need to be in bed early.  If there is one thing I have learned about myself and food is that when I am tired I have no will power. 

I am trying to hold myself accountable by posting.    


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