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My Concocting Weight Watchers Journey

Break in Routine

Posted by Linda Theres-Jones on

I cannot deny it.  I am struggling today.  I took 2 vacation days on Monday and today.  When I am home for longer periods of time, I have a way of thinking I am hungry even though I know I am not because my stomach feels fool  It is all in my mind.  I have spent about 4 hours each day crafting.  I am hoping to get into a 2 day craft show in November.  I am trying to finish numerous projects that I had started last year.  Unfortunately, I worked every day this summer since my counterpart at work...

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Could this be the time that I finally commit to myself?

Posted by Linda Theres-Jones on

I am proud of myself.  I made it through this stressful summer at work and through the September 20, 2024 work deadline.  Here are the items that I have accomplished in the past 30 days: I started to track my food again in the Weight Watchers app August 19th. I have done great staying within my points. I have done great making my 7,500 steps per day. At the beginning of the 2nd quarter in 2024, I started the habit of getting up by 6 am so I could get 4,000 steps in before taking my shower. I would just...

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